Fue Hair Transplant


FUE hair transplants represent the most widely favored approach to hair restoration. This minimally invasive technique involves transferring hair from the sides of the head and the neck to the areas experiencing baldness, yielding a natural-looking, permanently restored hairline. Our Doctors have established an internationally recognized reputation for their exceptional proficiency in performing FUE Hair Transplants, assuring you of the highest standard of care and results.

Procedure Time:

1 - 2 hours

Return to Work:

1 - 2 weeks

Full Recovery:

3 - 6 months




What to expect

Here’s what you can generally expect when considering an FUE hair transplant:

1. Consultation:

  • You’ll begin with a consultation with a consultant who specializes in FUE procedures.
  • During the consultation, you will discuss your hair restoration goals, medical history, and the feasibility of the procedure based on your individual circumstances.

2. Evaluation:

  • The surgeon will evaluate the extent and pattern of your hair loss, assess the quality and density of your donor hair (usually located at the back and sides of your head), and determine the overall suitability for an FUE hair transplant.

3. Design and Planning:

  • If you are deemed a suitable candidate, the surgeon will work with you to design a hairline and plan the distribution of grafts to achieve your desired results.

4. Local Anesthesia:

  • The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, ensuring you are comfortable and pain-free during the process.

5. Graft Harvesting:

  • Individual hair follicles (grafts) are meticulously harvested from the donor area using tiny punches or a micro-extraction device. These grafts are usually 1-4 hairs each.

6. Graft Preparation:

  • The harvested grafts are carefully cleaned and prepared for transplantation.

7. Recipient Site Creation:

  • Using precision tools, the surgeon creates small, recipient sites in the bald or thinning areas where new hair will be transplanted.

8. Graft Placement:

  • The prepared grafts are placed into these tiny recipient sites, ensuring proper angulation, direction, and natural spacing to achieve a natural-looking result.

9. Recovery:

  • After the procedure, you can expect some redness, swelling, and mild discomfort in both the donor and recipient areas. These effects typically subside within a few days to a week.
  • You may be prescribed antibiotics and given post-operative care instructions.

10. Healing and Results:

  • The healing process can take several weeks to months. During this time, the transplanted hairs will shed, but new hair growth will gradually replace them.
  • The final results become more apparent as the newly transplanted hairs grow in, resulting in improved hair density and appearance.

11. Long-Term Maintenance:

  • FUE hair transplants are generally considered a permanent solution for hair restoration.
  • Routine hair care and maintenance, including regular haircuts and grooming, are necessary to maintain your desired hairstyle.

12. Follow-Up Appointments:

  • You’ll have follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor your progress, assess your results, and ensure proper healing.

13. Limitations:

  • The outcome of your FUE hair transplant may be influenced by factors like the quality of your donor hair, the surgeon’s skill, and the design of your hairline.
  • In some cases, multiple sessions may be needed to achieve the desired hair density.

The surgeon will provide specific guidance based on your unique needs and goals, ensuring a successful outcome.